Erfil Filter San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. started to trade. Founded in January 2006 by Erhan ATMACA and family members. Erfil At first, only the ventilation filters production and supply to our company in the later industrial areas
The production and sale of the used products are also included. The main sectors where we are located,plaza, shopping mall, water treatment systems, automotive industry, hospitals, tire factories, natural gas plants, iron and steel plants etc.He is the founder and owner of Erfil Filter Erhan ATMACA in the capacity of company manager.
Erhan ATMACA 1979 ,He was born in Iskenderun. He is a graduate of the Uludağ University Econometrics and is married and
has one child.
Company Mission:
Our mission is to become a world known company by using efficently our resources, to be enviromentally-conscious, to have a company quality, to manifacture maximum products with minimum costs and to sell as much as possible, to be open tu innovations and devolopments, to meet our shareholders expectations, to conttibute to the economy of the country.
Company Vision:
Our vision is to increase the variety of our products and our capacity by following up the new technologies, to secure that our company becomes a preferable one amongst the worlds companies on the markets in our country and abroad, to reflect our compatible products and service quality to our inner and outer costomers in the globalizing world as business perfectness and satisfaction and to experience the pride and the happiness of our success with all our employess.
Our Quality Policy:
Erfil, since its establishment, attaches importance to its products and service quality with its permanence and its compatible in the Turkish and the World’s markets aiming toward becoming e worldwide company in its sector.